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Making It by Stew & the Negro Problem

Stew & the Negro Problem

Making It

Release Date: Jan 24, 2012

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Pop

Record label: Tight Natural


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Album Review: Making It by Stew & the Negro Problem

Fairly Good, Based on 2 Critics

AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

Mark Stewart, aka "Stew," is a Los Angeles-based bandleader, singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He's been in bands since high school, turning out hard to classify music that includes touches of punk, Afro-Baroque rock, rap, jazz, and melodic pop that one critic called "Blackarach". As you might expect from the band's name, Stewart deals with issues of race and the place of African-American artists in the United States with a winning combination of irony and insight.

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PopMatters - 60
Based on rating 6/10

Mark Stewart, aka Stew, has never been afraid of the meta. His Tony Award-winning play, “Passing Strange”, was largely about his years as a struggling musician in Berlin. He wrote “Passing Strange” with longtime collaborator and lover Heidi Rodewald, and when the couple broke up, they still had to spend two years performing the play together.

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