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Higher by Steve Arrington

Steve Arrington


Release Date: Aug 6, 2013

Genre(s): Electronic, Rap

Record label: Stones Throw


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Album Review: Higher by Steve Arrington

Very Good, Based on 1 Critic

Pitchfork - 73
Based on rating 7.3/10

Steve Arrington is one of the great underheralded figures in funk, a drummer/vocalist who transitioned from lounge acts to gigs with the Escovedos before joining the Dayton funk band Slave for a five-year stretch of hitmaking. After a successful solo career stretching through most of the 80s, he left the business at the turn of the 90s for the ministry, about the same time as g-funk was starting to mine his catalog for inspiration and a kid from Pasadena named Damon Riddick was traversing over that same turf for his own early demos. The lineage is so clear and traceable that pairing up Dâm-Funk with the recently unretired Arrington seems like an intersection of a no-brainer homage and a dream come true.

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