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Quiet River of Dust, Vol. 2 by Richard Reed Parry

Richard Reed Parry

Quiet River of Dust, Vol. 2

Release Date: Jun 21, 2019

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock

Record label: Anti-


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Album Review: Quiet River of Dust, Vol. 2 by Richard Reed Parry

Excellent, Based on 1 Critic

Exclaim - 80
Based on rating 8/10

In a slow-motion zone, the Sadies' Dallas Good duets with his friend Richard Reed Parry on a song called "In a Moment," and the harmony is almost Everly Brothers perfect. It's a patient kind of expression that builds up to an orchestral release, musically, though the voices are delivered with all the urgency of a whisper.   Bordering on ASMR but, perhaps more accurately, conjuring the emotive attack of Elliott Smith, Parry dials the volume down for this introspective and atmospheric album that often feels like ten conjoined songs ….

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