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Sorcs 80 by Osees


Sorcs 80

Release Date: Aug 9, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Garage Punk, Indie Rock

Record label: Castle Face


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Album Review: Sorcs 80 by Osees

Fairly Good, Based on 1 Critic

Under The Radar - 65
Based on rating 6.5/10

On their last record, 2023's Intercepted Message, John Dwyer's psych-rock institution Osees integrated synths into their ever-evolving sound in a shift toward traditional pop song structures. Their new release, SORCS 80, presents like that album's unruly twin--the synths have now taken over, and the band's trademark rocket ship guitars are nowhere in sight. The latest mutation of the band's sound is born from the same inventive spirit that seems hard-wired into Osees' DNA--their embrace of keys on SORCS 80 saw Dwyer and bandmate Tom Dolas select one synth sound each, which they then sampled and learned to play percussively.

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