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Stampede by Orville Peck

Orville Peck


Release Date: Aug 2, 2024

Genre(s): Country

Record label: Warner Records


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Album Review: Stampede by Orville Peck

Very Good, Based on 1 Critic

musicOMH.com - 70
Based on rating 3.5

On this duets album, despite a cast-list of A-listers ranging from Beck via Kylie Minogue to Elton John, it’s clear who’s running this rodeo Who is Orville Peck? It’s a question that people have been asking since 2019, when the mysterious bemasked figure appeared with his debut album Pony and immediately established himself as the leading figure in the (admittedly quite small) field of queer country. Over the years, the mask has become smaller. Peck’s real identity is easily googleable (South African musician Daniel Pitout), and he has become such a star that his third album feels like something of an event.

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