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Endlessness by Nala Sinephro

Nala Sinephro


Release Date: Sep 6, 2024

Genre(s): Jazz

Record label: Warp


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Album Review: Endlessness by Nala Sinephro

Acceptable, Based on 2 Critics

The Skinny - 100
Based on rating 5/5

You don't need to believe in reincarnation to appreciate Nala Sinephro's latest album, but as a device for forcing you to listen closely and ponder deeply, it works beautifully. An album of permeable borders and diverging paths, Endlessness sees the Caribbean-Belgian composer and her collaborators fuse elements of avant-jazz and electronic music into a 45-minute composition split into ten distinct movements. Continuum 1 opens proceedings as Morgan Simpson's loose, rolling drums and James Mollison's mournful saxophone take turns navigating the complex stellar tapestry created by Sinephro's modular synth, whose spaced-out arpeggios give the album a feeling of momentum.

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

You’ll never find Nala Sinephro shying away from extensive concepts. Having debuted to critical acclaim in 2021 with Space 1.8, the composer and multi-instrumentalist widens the scope of her already expansive work with the new release Endlessness. Inspired by existence itself, Endlessness is a work of vast cosmic cycles, a suite in which the electric and the acoustic roll together in symphonic jazz music of heroic proportions.

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