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Out of My Province by Nadia Reid

Nadia Reid

Out of My Province

Release Date: Mar 6, 2020

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Spacebomb


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Album Review: Out of My Province by Nadia Reid

Excellent, Based on 1 Critic

The Line of Best Fit - 80
Based on rating 8/10

The sumptuous settings you'd expect from a team responsible for luxuriously layered records by Matthew E. White (who co-produces here) and Natalie Prass do not divert from Reid's songs. On the contrary: Out of My Province features the New Zealand songwriter's most resonant set of tunes yet. The album packs a particularly compelling pull considering how resistant to easy answers these songs are. On first listen, Reid's third album resembles a set of quintessential, navel-gazing, singer/songwriter confessionals, with a frequent focus on the wanting, losing and pining for love which goes with this territory.

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