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Belaya Polosa by Molchat Doma

Molchat Doma

Belaya Polosa

Release Date: Sep 6, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, New Wave/Post-Punk Revival, Goth Rock, Cold Wave

Record label: Sacred Bones


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Album Review: Belaya Polosa by Molchat Doma

Awful, Based on 1 Critic

PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

In the years since Monument, their 2020 debut with Sacred Bones, Molchat Doma‘s path has taken some significant turns. They’ve played at Coachella, moved from Minsk to Los Angeles, and gained a greater intercontinental following than ever before, all while growing their doomy sounds in exciting ways. The new album Belaya Polosa is the culmination of this journey, a tidal wave of big synths and heartrending twangs that carry Yahor Shkutko’s voice to new heights.

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