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Loved by KEN mode

KEN mode


Release Date: Aug 31, 2018

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Noise-Rock

Record label: Season of Mist


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Album Review: Loved by KEN mode

Excellent, Based on 2 Critics

AllMusic - 80
Based on rating 8/10

This seventh album from the Manitoba noise rock/metal titans sees them going deeper and darker than ever before, stepping back from the more "punk rock" sound and tempos of 2015's Steve Albini-recorded Success to really embrace their black and death metal influences for a sludgy, largely midtempo workout. That's not to say they've radically changed their style, though -- this is still decidedly a noise rock album through and through, with amazingly raw, garagey production by Andrew Schneider (Unsane, Daughters) that's worthy of Kurt Ballou or Albini himself. "Doesn't Feel Pain Like He Should" sets the scene, opening with a squall of feedback before racing out of the blocks with sheet-metal riffs, blasting, off-kilter drums, and hoarsely shrieked vocals.

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Exclaim - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Regardless of what the title dictates, there is nothing sentimental or heart-warming about KEN Mode's latest album; Loved is an amalgamation of sludge, noise, and all of the heavy vibes that one can expect from KEN Mode.   The band come straight out of the gate with "Doesn't Feel Pain Like He Should," in which riffs twist and turn in ways that are disorienting and sophisticated for sludge metal. The cannon-sounding snare of " The Illusion of Dignity" and sheer brutality of "Feather and Lips" continue the album's sonic assault of noise and ….

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