Home > Indie > The Animal Years
The Animal Years by Josh Ritter

Josh Ritter

The Animal Years

Release Date: Apr 11, 2006

Genre(s): Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter

Record label: V2


Music Critic Score

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Album Review: The Animal Years by Josh Ritter

Excellent, Based on 1 Critic

AllMusic - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Idaho-bred singer/songwriter Josh Ritter's V2 Records debut follows in the footsteps of 2003's Hello Starling only in instrumentation. While he retains his literate tongue and expressive voice, there is far less humor on Animal Years than on his previous two outings. Producer Brian Deck (Iron & Wine, Modest Mouse) keeps Animal Years intimate but transient, like a circus train crawling through a small town on a busy Saturday afternoon.

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