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Bodied by Ital Tek

Ital Tek


Release Date: Sep 7, 2018

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Planet Mu


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Album Review: Bodied by Ital Tek

Great, Based on 4 Critics

The Line of Best Fit - 90
Based on rating 9/10

For starters, its release is a wonderful reminder of Planet Mu's stubborn resistance to getting too comfortable. Since January, the label have backed some major works in trap (Sami Baha), grime (East Man) and footwork (Jlin), banger-laced records that, whilst not necessarily courting their playlists, certainly reference the sounds of today's clubs. Alongside these, Mu continue to support veteran artists to make albums blissfully out-of-step with modern dance music - in May, Venetian Snares and Daniel Lanois's self-titled breakcore odyssey, and now, this.

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Exclaim - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Since Alan Myson (aka Ital Tek) released his debut LP, Cyclical, a decade ago, he's gone on to focus on a number of modern genres, like dubstep, garage and footwork. Although Myson has been moving into darker, more cinematic territories as of late, culminating with 2016's Hallowed, the British artist has decided to disassemble-and-then-reassemble his love for structured dance music to create Bodied.   Delivering 13 songs in only 55 minutes, it's fascinating to see Ital Tek creating such a sludgy, mood-filled album within such compact ….

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AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

Ital Tek's excellent 2016 release, Hollowed, was much darker and less dance-influenced than anything else the Brighton-based producer had previously issued. There were still traces of the dubstep, jungle, and footwork hybrids he'd previously explored, but the album was largely free of genre tags. Emotionally, it often felt wounded and staggering -- miles away from the producer's more colorful, energetic earlier work.

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Resident Advisor - 66
Based on rating 3.3/5

Alan Myson, AKA Ital Tek, produced his sixth album, Bodied, in the brief snatches of time he had between shifts working on a video game soundtrack. These sessions were, he says, a way of rediscovering the spontaneity of making music just for fun. It seems like Myson has been in search of that spontaneity for a while now: Hollowed, his last album, looked back to the UK artist's early days of experimenting with guitars.

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