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Disaster Trick by Horse Jumper of Love

Horse Jumper of Love

Disaster Trick

Release Date: Aug 16, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Noise-Rock, Slowcore

Record label: Run for Cover Records


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Album Review: Disaster Trick by Horse Jumper of Love

Satisfactory, Based on 4 Critics

No Ripcord - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Looking back can often feel like a fruitless endeavor, if only because there is fear in bringing back the things we left behind. For Dimitri Giannopoulos, Horse Jumper of Love frontperson, it was a necessity. Amid unearthing old material for what became Disaster Trick, the Boston slowcore trio's fifth album, Giannopoulos simultaneously approached his past with a new gaze, acknowledging that there is growth in admitting where he might've failed.

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The Skinny - 80
Based on rating 4/5

In 1964, queer, atheist, communist Pier Paolo Pasolini made a near-faithful transposition of the Gospel of St. Matthew to film. From the outside, these things don't seem to add up. On Horse Jumper of Love's new record, the Italian artist served as a way in for frontman Dimitri Giannopoulos, observing: "In order to make something good, you have to destroy a belief in some way." Horse Jumper...

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

Boston trio Horse Jumper of Love return with their fifth album, Disaster Trick. The full band, comprised of Dimitri Giannopoulos (vocals/guitars), John Margaris (bass), and James Doran (drums), are back together following the intimate Heartbreak Rules (2023), an LP attributed to the group but really a Giannopoulos solo effort. Disaster Trick was recorded at Drop of Sun Studios in Asheville, North Carolina.

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Dusted Magazine
Opinion: Excellent

Photo by Pond Creative Horse Jumper of Love's second album blows out introspective songs into wailing crescendos. Guitars bristle, flare and dissolve into fuzz, while quiet, contemplative lyrics unfold in the hurricane's unblinking eye. "Wink," the first single, spools out in chilled post-rocking chords, drums kicking up dust in the long sustained intervals.

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