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Sugar & Spice [EP] by Hatchie


Sugar & Spice [EP]

Release Date: Jun 15, 2018

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock

Record label: Double Double Whammy


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Album Review: Sugar & Spice [EP] by Hatchie

Great, Based on 2 Critics

Exclaim - 80
Based on rating 8/10

It's hard to believe Harriett Pillbeam was sitting on most of the songs that make up her debut EP for several years. So sticky-sweet are the melodies on each of these five tracks, you'd swear they were the product of some dream-pop songwriting algorithm rather than the bedroom musings of an Australian musician suffering through typical mid-20s professional and romantic ennui.   Pillbeam had honed her musical chops in a number of bands, including Babaganouj and Go Violets, both of whom similarly mined '90s alt-rock niches, updating them ….

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Pitchfork - 75
Based on rating 7.5/10

New artists don't get much time to carve out an identity anymore. So it's either fortunate or canny that Harriette Pilbeam--an Australian bassist and singer-songwriter who records as Hatchie--opens Sugar & Spice with a song that captures her aesthetic even before the vocals kick in. Like most of the record, "Sure" is a wide-eyed appeal to a lover that alternates between drowsy verses and honeyed choruses.

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