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Ask That God by Empire of the Sun

Empire of the Sun

Ask That God

Release Date: Jul 26, 2024

Genre(s): Pop, Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Electronic, New Wave/Post-Punk Revival

Record label: Capitol


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Album Review: Ask That God by Empire of the Sun

Excellent, Based on 2 Critics

musicOMH.com - 80
Based on rating 4

Nick Littlemore and Luke Steele find their familiar chemistry in providing escapism in sun kissed pop to sing and dance to It is eight years since we last heard from Empire Of The Sun in a long-playing capacity. In that time Nick Littlemore and Luke Steele have hardly been idle - the former overseeing a PNAU reunion and co-writing with Elton John, the latter revealing a more intimate side of his songwriting on the attractive solo album Listen To The Water. Alongside their exploits the duo kept their collaborations going throughout the pandemic, and the time has come for their sunny side up, left of centre pop to resurface.

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Clash Music
Opinion: Very Good

'ASK THAT GOD', the new LP from electronic heavyweights Empire Of The Sun seems destined to be a soundtrack for those never ending summer evenings. Of course, the bands trademark dreamy synths and structured, pumping beat patterns already lend themselves to the sunset-tinged excitement that seems to dominate the warmer months. But when listening to this latest release, it becomes apparent that the track structure aligns perfectly with the rise and fall structure summer nights hold – swelling from mellow electronica to an intoxicating high point, before an elegant, softer ending.

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