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Sistahs by Big Joanie

Big Joanie


Release Date: Nov 30, 2018

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock

Record label: Daydream Library


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Album Review: Sistahs by Big Joanie

Great, Based on 1 Critic

Pitchfork - 76
Based on rating 7.6/10

Big Joanie singer-guitarist Steph Phillips and drummer Chardine Taylor-Stone first met at a black feminist consciousness-raising meeting in their adopted home of London. Taylor-Stone noticed Phillips' Raincoats tote bag and a friendship bloomed, rooted in a mutual love for feminist punk rock and their hope for a more inclusive underground music scene. In 2013, they formed their minimal indie-punk trio--which now includes bassist Estella Adeyeri--with a deliberate intention of diversifying London DIY.

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