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Daughters of the Sky by Bamboo


Daughters of the Sky

Release Date: Jun 21, 2019

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Alternative Dance

Record label: Upset the Rhythm


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Album Review: Daughters of the Sky by Bamboo

Very Good, Based on 1 Critic

AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

London-based duo Bamboo, consisting of Rachel Horwood and Nick Carlisle, make lush, colorful synth pop which is equally influenced by Asian traditions as well as the most forward-thinking pop music of the '80s. Composed and recorded over a two-year period, their third full-length, Daughters of the Sky, is their most developed effort to date. While The Dragon Flies Away was an intriguing exploration of danceable grooves, adding post-disco and house influences to the more electro-folk sound of Bamboo's initial release, the duo have clearly spent more time focusing on crafting hooks this time around; just witness "Weeping Idols," a highly sophisticated yet instantly memorable escapist gem.

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